Chabad Israel Center

Chabad Israel Center

Chabad Israel Center
Name: Chabad Israel Center
Phone Number: 7187614483
Fax Number:
Email: [email protected]
Web Site: Chabad Israel Center
Google listing: Google maps listing
Address: 44 Brunswick St, Staten Island, NY 10314
Town/Neighborhood: New Springville
Section of Island: Mid-Island
Hours of operation/class times/service times:
Description: Chabad-Lubavitch is a philosophy, a movement, and an organization. It is considered to be the most dynamic force in Jewish life today.
Lubavitch appropriately means the “city of brotherly love.” The word “Chabad” is a Hebrew acronym for the three intellectual faculties of chochmah—wisdom, binah—comprehension and da’at—knowledge. The movement’s system of Jewish religious philosophy, the deepest dimension of G‑d’s Torah, teaches understanding and recognition of the Creator, the role and purpose of creation, and the importance and unique mission of each creature. This philosophy guides a person to refine and govern his or her every act and feeling through wisdom, comprehension and knowledge.
The word “Lubavitch” is the name of the town in White Russia where the movement was based for more than a century. Appropriately, the word Lubavitch in Russian means the “city of brotherly love.” The name Lubavitch conveys the essence of the responsibility and love engendered by the Chabad philosophy toward every single Jew.
Main category 1: Religious Organization
Main category 2: Community Center
Main category 3: Religious Group
Main category 4: Non-Profit
Keywords: Chabad Israel Center, community center, community group, religious organization, religious group
Public Transportation (Include Buses, Train Stop): S55/56, S89, S61/91
Closest Major Intersection: Forest Hill Rd and Richmond Rd
Floor Business is On:
Wheelchair Access:
Restroom On Site?
Parking (On-street Free, Metered, Lot):
Type of Non-Profit: 501c3 non-profit
Organization’s Mission Statement: Utilize internet technology to unite Jews worldwide, empower them with knowledge of their 3,300 year-old tradition, and foster within them a deeper connection to Judaism’s rituals and faith.
Link To Facebook Page: Facebook Page
Link To Instagram Page: Instagram Page
Link to Twitter Page: Twitter Page
Number of Staff/Volunteers:
Executive Director’s Name and title (owner/manager/etc.):
Link to events page on web site, if applicable:Events calendar
Accepted payment for Admission/Donation, if applicable (Cash, Credit., PayPal, EasyGo, Bitcoin):
Year established: