Sandy Ground Historical Society




Sandy Ground Historical Society

Sandy Ground Historical Society

Sandy Ground Historical Society

Sandy Ground Historical Society
Phone Number: 929-314-4395
Fax Number:
Web Site:
Google listing:
Address: 1538 Woodrow Rd, Staten Island, NY 10309
Town/Neighborhood: Rossville
Section of Island: South Shore
Hours of operation/class times/service times: Tuesday-Thursday and Sunday: 1-4pm

Description: The Sandy Ground Historical Society has been home to free Blacks who were oyster farmers, blacksmiths, midwives, and other working men and women, who were fleeing Maryland in the early 1800’s.  Students and adults alike can visit their museum to learn about the early history of this settlement, along with presentations and other events.

from Wikipedia: The Sandy Ground Historical Museum, located within the Sandy Ground community of Rossville in the borough of Staten Island, is dedicated to the oldest continuously inhabited free black settlement in the United States. The museum is home to the largest documentary collection of Staten Island’s African-American culture and history and it may also be home to the only intact 18th -century African cemetery in America.

The museum is operated by the Sandy Ground Historical Society and its annual festival is a celebration of black history, culture and freedom. The museum is also chartered by the New York State Department of Education to bring education and awareness of Sandy Ground to adults and children alike through guided tours, exhibits, interactive activities including arts and crafts, and lectures. Sandy Ground reaches about 10,000 people a year in these education initiatives (about 4,000 children and about 6,000 adults.)  The museum also preserves artifacts from the early years of the town such as art, quilts, letters, photographs, film and rare books.
Main category 1: Museum
Main category 2: Historical Museum
Main category 3: Education
Main category 4: Non-Profit
Keywords: museum, historical museum, living history, period museum, museum exhibits, special events, education, Black history, Underground Railroad, National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom

Latitude, Longitude:
Public Transportation (Include Buses, Train Stop): S55, S74, S84
Closest Major Intersection: Woodrow Rd and Bloomingdale Rd
Floor Business is On:
Wheelchair Access: 
Restroom On Site? Yes
Parking (On-street Free, Metered, Lot):
Type of Non-Profit: 501c3 museum
Organization’s Mission Statement: The Sandy Ground community has been included in the State & National Registers of Historic Places. The Sandy Ground Historical Society Museum is a Program Site for the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom. We were one of the 2010 recipients of the Mayor’s Award for our contribution to Art & Culture in New York City. We conduct ongoing research and preserve the history of the Sandy Ground community and African American history. We are chartered by the Department of Education to educate adults and children on the history of Sandy Ground. We interpret the history of Sandy Ground in diverse ways using traditional exhibits and guided tours of the Museum, music, arts & crafts including quilt making and special art projects for children, film, ethnic foods and lectures to community, civic and cultural groups. We see approximately 4,000 school children and 6,000 adults a year, both at the museum site and at other locations throughout the City of New York.
Link To Yelp Reviews: Yelp
Link To Facebook Page:
Link To Instagram Page:
Number of Staff/Volunteers:
Executive Director’s Name and title (owner/manager/etc.): Sylvia Moody D’Alessandro
Link to events page on web site, if
Accepted payment for Admission/Donation, if applicable (Cash, Credit., PayPal, EasyGo, Bitcoin): cash and all major credit cards
Year established: 1825
