Staten Island EV Charging Sites and Carpool Lots


Staten Island EV Charging Stations and Carpool Lots detailed in map below:

Please note that the closest E85 pumps in the area are out on Long Island.



  • The Liar The Liar says:

    Just what my life was missing. An EV charging station map for Staten Island. Wowee.

    I’m sure I will consult page this again and again.

    • CRANK CRANK says:

      I’ve given up commenting bc comments would not go through for a month. They had the captcha thing set so hard it was impossible to read. I called them and spoke with the kind lady at the Newsroom named Anne.

      I am sure that the more these electric car lefties clog up our streets, the more we’ll have traffic jams bc they run out of battery on the roads and highways! Just wait.

      • Avatar D.B. says:

        The comments seem to go nowhere.

        testing testing

        Is there anybody out there?

        Seems everything is stuck??

        • Avatar Jackie says:

          I called. They said security upgrade. Was the cause. *** *** **** ** **** ****** ** **** **** ********.

        • Avatar Sammie says:

          I’m here. Let’s talk about EV charging station on SI.

          Would you take the plunge and go EV?

          Unless I had my own house with solar I would never do it.

          But I do…soooooooooooo………..

          We have a Tesla. It has been okay. We also have a Mercedes and a Range Rover. I won’t say more. Look at public reviews for your car you want to buy. They tell all.


            I have written an opinion piece for the Staten Island News.

            I write about the issue I have with horn honking.

            And I blame those Brooklynites.

            • Avatar Longer-Time Islander Than You says:

              Totally agree.

              But…umm…elephant in room:

              Your username, maybe?

              Aren’t you part of the problem? Then again, maybe you’re in the best position to teach the next wave of Brooklyn crazies.

              Me? I’m not from the U.S. originally. I emigrated here. Legally. A very long time ago. My family has since made its name here in positive ways.

              Electric cars are virtually silent making no engine sounds. That can be a deadly set-up if pedestrians don’t see the oncoming vehcile.

              I think all the horn honking comes with driving through Bensonhurst or Williamsburg. You literally have to beep to make men, women, and people of all ages out of the way at times.

              Brooklyn has always been a place in my memory whereupon you find markets like in many other nations. I love it there. I could never live there. Too much traffic and people.

            • Avatar My Cars All Go Fast says:

              Your not an islander unless you were born here and you can trace your roots to at least 1950 on the island.

              So: Buying a property here does NOT make you an islander. Visiting Bay Street does NOT make you an islander. Having a cousin here does NOT make you an islander.

              There is another route.
              Moving here from Sri Lanka last year DOES make you an islander. Moving here from Cali ten years ago and you’re DEFINITELY not an islander. Same goes for Texas. If you came from Mexico City yesterday, you are not officially an islander, too.

              Electric Cars? Wait for it…

              monorail…monorail monorail

              I hear those things are awfully loud
              It glides as softly as a cloud
              Is there a chance the track could bend?
              Not on your life, my —– friend

              • Avatar What Rhymes with ORANGE? says:

                So being an ‘islander’ is either because you’ve lived on the island for generations OR you immigrated here from another country, but you only count as an islander only after some amount of time living here? And one day isn’t enough? Okayyyyyyy

                Why aren’t Californians or Texans islanders even after ten years, though? What about all those Chicagoans or people from Connecticut?

                Your entire idea of what an islander is seems illogical and poorly thought out.

                As far as your arcane Simpsons reference, right on, man! Funny how the monorail chant even describes an EV in motion. Personally, I would buy an e-bike (bicycle) but as far motor vehicle Im still sticking to gasoline.

                I get the feeling that your post was some failed attempt at humor, though I can’t quite figure out what the punchline was.

    • ninjapaul ninjapaul says:

      All who know me know I am a combustion engine FREAK – literally -and the day I ride an e-scooter, I mean e-cycle, that’s the day I put on some makeup an ride around in a dress.

      I wouldn’t even let my girl ride if she ever goes that route. No thanks.

      I’m not a coal roller or anything. Just a (semi) normal guy. lol

      I mean I have seen fools in Jersey doing that rolling isht. That’s just lame.

      • Avatar Calabrian-American MAN says:

        Okay. You’re not a man because you ride a bike that puts out soot! You’re a man if you are responsible and live up to your responsibilities.

        • ninjapaul ninjapaul says:

          Listen, man, I respect that you’re probably older than me. I get it.

          I am a man because I am responsible. I get that also.

          But to me a man puts out a masculine image.

          I don’t want to appear anything but tough because that’s what I am. And before you start with the “you’re insecure” BS know that I don’t give a **** what you or anyone else thinks.

          Imagine James Dean on an Italian moped. I’m not dissing EVs. You do you. Its a free country still so I mean enjoy. EVs are —–ALL—– about the image, and that image is a latte-drinking elitist, probably from Ohio or PA and moved to BK for a job in the city. You know the types. Phoneys.

          And, yes, there is something to be said for being able to take apart your motor on the side of the road, if need be. As far as soot, I don’t run straight exhaust on my bikes or car or truck. Everything legit passes emissions every year. I care about the environment, but facts are facts. Don’t tell me my motorcycle is ruining the Earth. That is pure nonsense.

          • Magnificent Zero Magnificent Zero says:

            “Imagine James Dean on an Italian moped. ”

            OK. I just did. Now what?

            “EVs are —–ALL—– about the image, and that image is a latte-drinking elitist, probably from Ohio or PA and moved to BK for a job in the city. You know the types. Phoneys. ”

            No.. That is just your projection of your own image that you hold on to men who ride electric bikes. It’s your own hangup, dude.

            I understand that the science isn’t there yet. But why can’t you just learn to fix an electric bike or car or truck? You’re going to become undesirable as a worker as your skill set expires.

      • Satanic Imp Satanic Imp says:

        I understand your enthusiasm for combustion engines. My friend is into cars and is one of those Ferrari nuts. His Dad started him on it. He’s not a mechanic but I’ve gone with him to drop off the car for service (way too much service, way too frequently) and talked with the mechanics. They are probably a lot like you. They eat, sleep, and breathe motors.

        But combustion motors do pollute. You have to at least admit that.

        I’m all for freedom, of course. Being a S–anist, there’s no other way! But you can’t have freedom to hurt another person or the world. That is a bridge too far. You’re free, as long as you don’t violate other people.

        I know it doesn’t seem like you’re violating anyone but if you are ruining the environment or us all, then you are.

        • ninjapaul ninjapaul says:

          Bro, you are not right on this.

          It’s all talking points.

          First of all, hybrids are best for the environment. And, with the modern-day EGR system, the exhaust is a lot cleaner. Also unleaded gas. They mine and pollute to get those giant car batteries EVs have. And the fires don’t go out. It’s a lot of ****.

          You should read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It’s a lot more than just ego for some.

          • Blaine Wise Blaine Wise says:

            You’re both right. EVs keep the air cleaner but may cause more pollution overall, if you include mining elements for the batteries and disposal. Both gasoline and batteries can combust. It’s a trade off.

            • ninjapaul ninjapaul says:

              Thanks for your honest, Ms. Wise. I am soooo refreshed to see someone on here not acting like they have all the answers.

              • grasshopper x grasshopper x says:

                Wait,, Isn’t that just what Ms. Wise just did?! Am I in Bizarro world?
                I’m sorry to tell you that EVs are the wave of the present and future, worldwide.
                **** the hybrids and gas guzzlers!

            • Avatar Stanley the Manly Man says:

              It is modern day slavery, or at least horrible conditions at best.

              • Avatar Vlad K. says:

                Mining batteries is child labor. This is fact.

                So is much of makeup industry.

                Electric cars are waste of your money. When the battery goes that’s it. The car is a worthless heap of metal and plastic. And pray battery doesn’t just go but not go up as well.

          • Avatar fact checker toadie says:

            Fact check: Hybrids are best.

            Hybrids Better for Climate than Leaf, Tesla in Most States

            An electric car is only as good for the climate as the electricity used to power it. And in states that rely heavily on fossil fuels like coal and natural gas for their electricity there are many conventional and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles that are better for the climate than all-electric cars today.

            But that is just part of the story. Another critical factor is the carbon emissions generated when a car is manufactured. Emissions from producing the battery and other electrical components create a 10,000 to 40,000-pound carbon debt for electric cars that can only be overcome after tens, or even hundreds of thousands of miles of driving and recharging from clean energy sources.

          • Avatar Darbis Alongino says:

            Totally think the research $$ should go into making cars more gas-efficient and also have cleaner output.

            Getting rid of oil is a commie scam.

            • Avatar Increase your MPG says:

              Yo Darby, I got a hint: Check out the many methods available to make your gas guzzler more efficient. There are tons of methods that do work and are safe and legal. I am not talking ABOUT THOSE SIMPLE BOXES YOU PLUG INTO THE CAR COMPUTER. I mean modulating sensors and producing hydroxyl gas. On old carburated vehicles you don’t need that. It’s way easier. I was getting 50+ miles to the gallon with my old Ford. Impossible? Why? Be intelligent and you your due diligence, and then experiment. You’ll be shocked how easy it is to get way better gas mileage, without removing the EGR or cats. Totally legal, but takes work.

              • ninjapaul ninjapaul says:

                You didn’t get around to explaining the methods. I have done zero research, as a professional or just enthusiast, but I assume if there were things like you say out there it’d be a big deal. I am guessing it’s all fake. Sad, but true.

                • NoSweat NoSweat NoSweat NoSweat says:

                  I like the positive CATCHYA above. Mine says HOPE. That’s what people need.

                  Anyway, this is no bull about making a car get better gas mileage. Do your research before trying to make someone else look stupid. You end up just seeming uninformed and it makes everything you say have less weight in the eyes of other people.

                  Just a life hint from a salty guy. Why not pass on my wisdom? Maybe even Elon Musk reads this? I heard all you got to do is mention him in a forum and teams of attorneys meet and discuss the what is said. That one sure needs some guidance. Wait. Did I trigger an alert on his phone? ha ha Just kidding, I know billionaires don’t read the news. They have people break it down, like a president does.

              • Avatar Paulie says:

                I call you out on this. Total nonsense. I saw that Penn and Teller episode.



                • Avatar Strong Billy says:

                  What a load of b******* do you literally work for the f****** oil companies?

                  You can modify an engine, in so many ways.

                  yes it is legal. I don’t believe you were a mechanic,

                  • Avatar W.C.G. says:

                    Hey Billy boy…you aren’t a mechanic so really have some respect.

                    You cannot do anything that will make the car NOT pass inspections.

                    People do modify like crazy, but they take those cars down to Englishtown to race on a track.

                    As far as this increase MPG thing goes: I can’t imagine car companies would all conspire to keep this a secret. Why wouldn’t Ford or GM then make their next line of cars have this amazing increased gas mileage?

                    Look, it’s so easy to buy into conspiracy theories. I am a person of color, and I see it on all sides. The woke BS. The based BS. and all the hood hustling BS. Online. In the streets. Its everywhere.

                    Though I will say if someone knows some “majic” additive that makes a car get better MPG, let us all in on that,

                    • Avatar D33333333333 says:

                      I have the answer. Well, at least a jumping point:

                      Change your own oil. Do it more frequently than suggested.

                      Before changing, use the Engine Flush.

                      Follow directions, then drain the oil.

                      Your engine will be sparking inside. Literally sparking.

                      That is the start of everything.

                      Change your plugs.

                      Gap them yourself.

                      Get the GOOD plugs.

                      Make sure your tyres are well-inflated.

                      And, get any extra weight out of the trunk.

                      You can use the fuel additives, too.

                      They clean the engine also.

                      And yes this really works.

                      You will see sludge coming out.

                      Flush again and again until you get clear.

                      We opened up a motor that we treated like this for years, and it was factory-new. Shocking, really.

                • Avatar Freddy says:

                  I call BS. Why can I then alter my engine in other ways?

                  I know you can. They sell the parts in Autozone.

                  • Avatar J Foxx says:

                    You can put that stuff in your gas.

                    You can put that stuff in your oil.

                    You can keep your tires inflated.

                    You can keep your car tuned up.

                    As far as all the other dubious claims, I am still waiting.

        • Avatar Ferrari now accepts Dogecoin as payments! :P says:

          Ferrari now accepts Dogecoin as payments! 😛

          • Avatar Tina in Eltingville says:

            I mean like who really cares. That is so 2021.

            • Avatar Dougie 10314 says:

              The doggie is cute.

              The coin is stupid.

              Will it go up?

              What coin hasn’t?

              Will it go down?

              What coin hasn’t?

              Dumb and cuddly, Doge coin is now traded all over the world. I would never pay for a major purchase with crypto. After I’m walking away with the keys they’d have a laugh and a half. What a ****** they’d be saying. And they’d be right of course.

              Electric cars are batteries on wheels. They are fast, though. Really bags the question.

              • Avatar Pamela says:

                you’re old

                • CRANK CRANK says:

                  Listen, young lady. I’m old, too.
                  I bet I do more in a day than you do in a week.
                  And, I am not stuck in 1970. What you said is what people now call ageist.
                  Why do I get the feeling you’d cry if I made fun of you on here?
                  Don’t worry. I won’t.
                  But maybe if you’d have said it in a witty or interesting way, I’d be laughing right now or even thinking deep thoughts. Too bad. You had your opportunity just then.

              • Avatar Rusty T says:

                what keys?

                Are u buying keys>?

                • Avatar DAZZLE says:

                  WE DONT KNOW ABOUT KEYS

                  WE HAVE KEYPADS ON OUR HOMES

                  GEN Z HERE

                  • Avatar Lobster Panik says:

                    OK, brainy kid. What does your family do when the power goes out?

                    You will be wishing you had a simple lock and key and none of this electronic crap.

              • 58 Ball Corner Pocket 58 Ball Corner Pocket says:

                I am not the Grammar and Spelling Police.

                With that said, bud, it’s not “bags the question” it’s “Begs the question.”

                Begging the question
                From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                Not to be confused with Calling the question.

                In classical rhetoric and logic, begging the question or assuming the conclusion (Latin: petītiō principiī) is an informal fallacy that occurs when an argument’s premises assume the truth of the conclusion. Historically, begging the question refers to a fault in a dialectical argument in which the speaker assumes some premise that has not been demonstrated to be true. In modern usage, it has come to refer to an argument in which the premises assume the conclusion without supporting it. This makes it more or less synonymous with circular reasoning.[1][2]

                Some examples are:

                “People have known for thousands of years that the earth is round. Therefore, the earth is round.”
                “Coca Cola is the most popular soft drink in the world. Therefore, no other soft drink is as popular as Coca Cola.”[3]

                Informal misuse of the phrase “begs the question” also occurs with an entirely dissimilar sense in place of “prompts a question” or “raises a question”.[4]

                • Avatar Ghoest523 says:


                • Avatar Dougie 10314 says:

                  Oh, you’re not the language police. That clarification is important.

                  Thank you for the disclaimer before you chose to try schooling me on language. Really. That was all so very interesting to read.

                  I did mean bags the question and I’m not going to stop saying this. Everyone I know says this. What is meant is obvious. Bagging it. You know, getting it in a great way.

                  I did not mean begs the question. I wrote what I meant to say. That was bags the question. And you sir, did not bag any question. You only created confusion with your pompous self.

          • Satanic Imp Satanic Imp says:

            *groan* Not another one. You guys need a clue or two.

            Really, Doge Coin is not coming back. That was a money grab.

            But, if it fulfills your karma to gamble on junk stonks of the crypto world, go for it.

            Just don’t bet money you can’t afford to lose.

            • 58 Ball Corner Pocket 58 Ball Corner Pocket says:

              I don’t know, bub.

              You might just be right.

              The whales use it as their personal piggy bank pump and dump scheme.

              But if we agree something has value…it does.

              DOGE is 1/10th the market cap of BTC. Think about that.

              And BTC is about the value of SILVER.

              Not a joke. Can someone do a rug pull?

              Can they do it with securities? Commodities?

              OFC. OFC.

              But still…electric cars are the future. blockchain is the future. mars is the future.

            • Avatar Actual Homan Not a Bot At All says:

              Oh my. The Satanic Sage was wrong!! muahahahaha

              It’s like at .22 USD up 16.24% so far just today. And when you wrote your comment doge was only .179.

              I think you meant well, guy. You can’t keep gamblers from gambling, BTW.

              Being a Satanist who has made clean your values on this forum thread and elsewhere, I don’t even think you’d intend that.

              I’ve read your other comments about respecting free will and choice yada yada yada so I cannot imagine you as some marm. I get it: You are Just warning dudes not to lose $$ they can’t part with and so no harm done in any of that on your part.

              Just because we are destroying the thread with so many sub-threads, I’ll also say this on electric cars. The grid is old and tired. And then we will all be taxing the grid with electric vehicle charging day and night. That isn’t going to work.

              I personally think this is going to end up as a giant misstep in history’s view. It doesn’t work quite so well. I think a lot of guys are going to make a killing in the markets, but ultimately, it will be like the Edsel. No that example is not so fitting or good. Hmm.. More like the rotary engine? No another bad example. More like ASHTRAYS. No, those were around for quite a while. Front-and-read turning wheels? cars have those. *sigh* I can’t find a good comparison.

              • CRANK CRANK says:

                I’ll help you out, my friend.

                Gesture Control. That was the worst.

                “Gesture control is also among the least used car features in modern cars. This technology is also quite old but it never caught on, as making gestures to the car’s system could be quite distracting and on many occasions it detects other hand movement inside the cabin” from Times Now News

                • Schemogghie Schemogghie says:

                  I am of mixed nationality.

                  People of my family culture talk with their hands.

                  Strangely, it’s the Austrians that do the most hand talking, not the Italians! lol

                  I can imagine getting in the car with my cousin and the car going in circles and ejecting us out the top. Yeah, I have quite the imagination.

                  That car was made to discriminate! lol

              • Avatar Righteous Lemmi says:

                How is your hero Elon and his Doge coin doing these days? I saw it was headed to .08! hahahaha

                I actually get so much pleasure saying I told you so that I’ll say it again.

                I told you so.

                Fools thought a billionaire give a s*** about you.

                Being a man is admitting you were scammed.

  • 2 FoXEEE 2 FoXEEE says:

    I love the pink! And all the rainbow colors on the front page! I am so much more into this news now. I plan to get an electric car one day. Probably a Lucid. Way more stylish than that other brand out there the Tezla. My sister got a BMW when she turned 17 but I am more about the environment.

    • 3 Ball Is Red 3 Ball Is Red says:

      Yeah I was gonna say, what is going on here? Did the Staten Islander go full on woke?

      Foxee Girl, you should ask for a BMW I4, I5, I7, and IX (for those that love the letter X)

      Don’t make your parents waste their money on any of these other cars. Stick with the legacy companies that already have it right. trust me on that one, kid.

      • Avatar Dennis says:

        Nah, the graphic designers must be from Russia. 🇷🇺

        That’s how all the websites look over there. Very bright, saturated colors. Here we associate that with kids and cartoons. Not so in former Soviet empire.

        The Asian sites look different: A lot of jade green.

        Iranian sites, no one visits in the US but again, very different.

        I am a student of graphic design. I really do enjoy visiting here. I actually requested more photojournalism. It is far the best but so sparse.

    • Avatar "FREE" up on Henderson says:

      Tesla is a solid car and with Elon Musk at the helm you can’t go wrong

    • Avatar Mechanic Since 2004 says:

      Go with Tesla. Elon Musk is a genius. If he can fly a rocket and land on mars he can surely build a car that would suit anyone.

      The Lucid is more graceful a profile, but it is a new company.

      • 3 Ball Is Red 3 Ball Is Red says:

        “…If he can fly a rocket and land on mars he can surely build a car that would suit anyone…”

        Can he also tailor a suit that can fit anyone?

        Mars has nothing to do with suits.
        Or, cars.

        • Avatar Barzi says:

          Cars and rockets aren’t that different.

          • Avatar N. D. Klein says:


            • Stanley the Manly Man Stanley the Manly Man says:

              Homeboy really believes this. That scares me. Was that his public school education? I ended up with an MBA. And had fun the whole time goofing off…

              A car is so different from a rocket that it’s sad that someone might think otherwise just to satisfy their ideas about Elon Musk and EVs.

              • Avatar Glow Kidd says:

                Elon Musk ** * ****. A ******* ***** who doesn’t really believe the **** he even ****** you INTO *********. Elon says anything that it takes to make a buck or a hundred billion bucks. HE HAS THAT RIGHT! Capitalism, baby!

                but, He is to the right! People? You with me? You see this? All about profit and what else? Why does someone like that even have an electric cart company? It just seems weird.

                I wouldn’t drive a Tesla if you paid me. Elon Musk is not about the values of the left. Just the right establishment. Driving a Tesla and I’m representing his values. NO. THANK. YOU.

                • Avatar Glow Kidd says:

                  Really, editors, thanks for over-editing my comment.

                  • Avatar Xavier says:

                    Looks like the word you were seeking, but failed to retrieve, was REDACTING.

                    I don’t think the editors actually “edit” anything, as in change wording, as far as comments go.

                    They just trash bad comments, apparently asterisk-out anything offensive or too off-color, and that’s it.

                    Also, just to prove my point: You say Musk has an “electric cart” company. Is that golf carts or some other kids of carts?

                • Avatar Elon Musk says:

                  On Thursday, April 28th, Elon Musk, the world’s richest man and imminent owner of the social media platform Twitter, posted a meme describing where he falls in the political spectrum.

                  Musk can be seen standing exactly on the same spot in the graph from 2008 to 2021, while the political spectrum shifts in 2012 and 2021 to place him first closer to the center and then towards the right, as “his fellow liberals” can be seen running further left, becoming what is labeled “woke progressive.”

                  As the FoxBusiness site explains it here, ”the center and right remain stationary, while the political left keeps moving farther from the center over the years.”

                  The happy stick figure of the conservative remains unmoved. This suggests that conservatives haven’t changed but the left has become more extreme. We find this claim to be misleading and inaccurate.

                  Although the American political spectrum has indeed become more polarized in the recent decades, research from the Pew Research Center showed that not the left, but the right has become more radical in recent years, at least when it comes to the members of Congress who make the laws of the country.

                  • Kandy Krusher Kandy Krusher says:

                    I guess that answers the question you guys had of whether Elon Musk really reads these forums. For me at least.

                    I know anyone could have written that comment but why??!!

                    OK. Some will say this was just a fanboy sticking up for Elon but do they really normally post using his own name? I believe this was for sure the real Elon.

                    I am going to fact check this whole left and right thing about Elon. I will start with trusty old Google. I don’t normally pay attention to this sort of thing. Too dry and boring. I learned about this in my history class. Forgot it already. Mostly.

                    But wouldn’t it be cool if he was really posting in here? That would mean I posted in the very same thread as him. My thing was I wanted to grow up and be an astronaut. So I was into Elon when I was younger. I saw him on Bing Bang Theory. I am sort of a half nerd half popular type. Then reality set in and i found out there are no astronauts in real life! ha ha

        • Avatar puzzled in 10314 says:

          As far as I know, neither Elon Musk, nor anyone else, has flown a rocket to deploy a lander on Mars in recent years.

          • Avatar freddieboy says:

            Elon Musk isn’t literally the guy making your car! *sheesh* It’s likely a bunch of robots and guys and gals on the line helping. There is a chance your car was in his presence, I guess.

            Elon is the spokesman for Tesla. He has final say, because he owns the company. But the shareholders really own it. So I mean, be realistic.

            If you like Elon and the Tesla brand, go for it. But in the end remember it’s all just branding. All the major car companies make a quality product that passes strict government-ordered testing. It’s not like Tesla IS AMAZING AND EVERYTHING ELSE IS junk. It’s just that some cars suit some folks better.

            If I had a large solar array on my property, I might think differently. But as it is, I’d be crippled if the power went out. No electricity and not car, either.

            My honest take: there aren’t enough reasons for me to go electric.

            • CRANK CRANK says:

              There is a chance your car was in his presence, I guess.
              yah,, it’s called a FAT CHANCE. hahaha
              Musk spends his time at Twitter fighting people with views we should all ignore so they go away back into the shadows where they always were and will be.
              And now that Tesla shot straight up and who knows if the world economy can sustain such expansion much longer, Musk was blocked on collecting a cool 50+ bils, as agreed.
              Shareholders have him by his ***** and they aren’t moving to Texas.

          • Stanley the Manly Man Stanley the Manly Man says:

            They went to the Moon recently and the lander fell on its side or something. Don’t ask me, news and **** isn’t my thing.

        • Avatar Johnny the Bartender says:

          A skilled tailor can tailor a suit that can fit anyone. Maybe Elon can also become a bartender? He won’t beat me. 47 years and counting tending bar. I am skilled through experience. Love for the art an science. So I get it. But Elon does love rockets and cars, if not suits and drinks. And even if he loves suits and drinks, he spent his time and energy devoted elsewhere.

          • Avatar Paulie R. says:

            Elon can design the Better Bartender. A robot bartender.

            No need to bother customers with tipping, though I’m sure the convention will continue bc what bar-owner doesn’t want tips as additional income?

            I don’t think you can outperform a robot. Face it, what’s so skilled in tending bar, I mean really.

            So I guess the E man wins?

            • Avatar Anonymous Dude says:

              You know nothing about life.
              While the bigwigs sell you faux-everything, they indulge in the real thing.

              Enjoy your fake steak.
              And all the rest.

              Me, I’m dining on a COW.

              OH AND….they also have
              real cars that guzzle gas. Private planes. Gas heaters to keep an outdoor yard warm.
              (I kid you not; I have too many too-rich friends, I guess.) 😐

              • Avatar Jackie says:

                “Gas heaters to keep an outdoor yard warm.”

                As in??? I don’t understand. Like a tent or screened-in room?

                • Avatar nancy sang says:

                  No he means these people are so filthy stinking rich they just burn gas or whatever to keep an outdoor space hot. I guess it shows you can burn money which is big with some crowds. The air just rises and new cold air rushes in.


                  • Avatar HUGE HUGE MASSIVE BERNIE FAN says:


                    They waste energy like you wouldn’t believe. AND many in that class are into saving the Earth if you can deal with that odd reality. The cognitive dissonance is incredible.

                    • Avatar FREE JASPER says:


                      Me! Me! Me!

                      I’m important! Look at me!

                      My f[fill in the blank – fashion, sneakers, music, blah blah blah] will SAVE the world!

            • Avatar Lion of Judah Be Praised says:

              So how is he for the people again if he is helping to end our jobs?

              They say they are getting rid of the jobs no one wants. Robots will do those.

              I am a janitor. I like my job. I do not want to be replaced. Even if you don’t want to do my job.

              Do you? Musk is not the friend of the worker and he also hates the unions.

          • Avatar Gary Gnu says:

            Robots don’t need experience. They learn via AI.

            Face it. You’re washed up like the rest of us.

            Without a Universal Basic Income, we’re all beat.

      • Avatar Fawzi Nejem "Ali" says:

        Electric Vehicles will become more in use when the battery size is smaller and less heavy. And safer. The heavy batteries are the issue, I think.

    • Avatar Mechanic for FORTY TWO years! says:

      Get a BMW, too! Don’t let your parents fall for the hype. You aren’t going wrong with a BMW.

      • Avatar Neal says:

        BMW isn’t so god anymore

        • ninjapaul ninjapaul says:

          If facts mean anything, most of the cars out there aren’t as good as their earlier model predecessors. Get a classy old beemer. Put some work into it. Paint, brakes, suspension, whatever.

          And keep it. Don’t worry about dings or scratches if it’s going to be your everyday car.

          • Avatar Larry says:

            Totally good advice.

            You are the man, Paul.

            Are you still with J**********? I am happy you are living all your dreams at once.

            Yoooo text me, man.

            I haven’t seen you in ages.

  • Avatar What is E85? says:

    What is E85?

    • Thofia the Robot {PARODY ACCNT} Thofia the Robot {PARODY ACCNT} says:


      • That explians nothing.,

        E85 is an abbreviation typically referring to an ethanol fuel blend of 85% ethanol fuel and 15% gasoline or other hydrocarbon by volume.

        In the United States, the exact ratio of fuel ethanol to hydrocarbon may vary according to ASTM 5798 that specifies the allowable ethanol content in E85 as ranging from 51% to 83%.[1] This is due to the lower heating value of neat ethanol making it difficult to start engines in relatively cold climates without pre-heating air intake, faster cranking, or mixing varying fractions of gasoline according to climate. Cold starting in cold climates is the primary reason ethanol fuel is blended with any gasoline fraction.

        • Ali Ali says:

          It is alcohol.

          Some sharia countries ban this fuel because it is really alcohol and alcohol is haram.

          Personally, I don’t think using alcohol to light a lamp or fuel a car is the same as consuming a drink.

  • Avatar questoner says:

    Oh, so this is the new Staten Island social thread?
    Why do you people comment here?

  • Satanic Imp Satanic Imp says:

    What’s with the ‘NOT AUTHORIZED”? Was it bc of my previous comment in another thread?

    • Due to security enhancements at the Staten Island News Organization’s platforms, all pending comments will appear as “pending” or “Not Authorized,” I’m told by the tech team.

      Recent comments no longer appear on the Visitor Dashboard. I’m told that this will be restored soon, minus the pending comments appearing before approval.

      As far as the other matter you speak of, I think that was just a warning and nothing more. Your account was not penalized in any way, I am told.

      Thank you.
      Editorial Office
      Staten Island News

      • The Wasp The Wasp says:

        You work in the Editorial Office and you SPELL THE WEBSITE WRONG???

        I haven’t posted in what is likely YEARS.

        I just had to. Couldn’t resist.

        Let me guess. A recent Uni grad. Probably at a school their parents paid through the nose for. I just hope it wasn’t a journalism degree.

        • Avatar Pessimist Arzi says:

          I mean, any other job besides editor and I would think you’re being mean.

          You have a point.

          It’s like a mechanic not knowing where the gas goes.

        • Avatar Eva says:

          THAT was mean. But still, you have a good point. I’d be mortified.

    • Avatar Trader Joey T says:

      Paranoid. I guess you boys over by ************ get the good stuff.

  • Avatar Da'Quan Saunders says:

    Dear Staff:

    I see you all have been messing with the captcha lately. I can say for one I am happy with the results. I can actually see it half the time. Before it was never. haha

    And thank y’all for the warning. I think typing out anything beyond a sentence in your own word app is a good idea. I’ve lost some good comments.

    By the way, I just hit that red button my mistake. Y’all went too far.

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