Fort Wadsworth



Fort Wadsworth

Phone Number:(718) 354-4500
Fax Number:
Web Site:
Google listing:
Address: 210 New York Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10305
Town/Neighborhood: Fort Wadsworth
Section of Island: East Shore
Hours of operation/class times/service times:Fort Wadsworth is open daily from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Description: Located beneath the Verrazzano Narrows Bridge, Fort Wadsworth is one of the oldest military installations in the nation.  Learn about the history of Fort Wadsworth and the military on Staten Island at Fort Wadsworth.  Many events related to the history of this military base on Staten Island are available, as well as tours of the facility.  This location is run by the National Parks Service.

From their website: “Fort Wadsworth is one of the oldest military installations in the nation. The site occupies 226 acres on the northeastern shore of Staten Island, on the Narrows of New York Harbor. Rich in history and natural beauty, Fort Wadsworth affords you the opportunity to observe an important part of our nation’s history, while offering magnificent views of New York Harbor.”
Main category 1: Museum
Main category 2: Historical Museum
Main category 3: Education
Main category 4: Non-Profit
Keywords: museum, historical museum, military installation, museum complex, period museum,

Latitude, Longitude: 40.6012° N, 74.0579° W
Public Transportation (Include Buses, Train Stop): S51, S81, S53, S93
Closest Major Intersection: Lily Pond Ave and McClean Ave
Floor Business is On:multiple
Wheelchair Access:
Restroom On Site? Yes
Parking (On-street Free, Metered, Lot): parking lot in the complex
Type of Non-Profit:
Organization’s Mission Statement:
Link To Yelp Reviews:Fort Wadsworth Yelp
Link To Facebook Page:
Link To Instagram Page:
Number of Staff/Volunteers:
Executive Director’s Name and title (owner/manager/etc.): National Park Service
Link to events page on web site, if applicable:
Accepted payment for Admission/Donation, if applicable (Cash, Credit., PayPal, EasyGo, Bitcoin):
Year established: 1865
