Super Sweet! Vegan Sweet Potato Coconut Pie Wins National PETA Award, Helping Us Enjoy A Delicious ThanksVegan Feast


BROOKLYN, N.Y. – Now that 47% of Americans want to incorporate more vegan foods into their meals, this Thanksgiving is poised to be the most vegan one yet. So to help holiday hosts plan their menus, PETA has compieled the Top 10 Vegan Pies served around the country, and Clementine Bakery’s Sweet Potato Coconut Pie has won a spot on the list.

Clementine Bakery Logo. Image Credit - Clementine Bakery

Clementine Bakery Logo. Image Credit – Clementine Bakery

“Made with organic roasted sweet potatoes and seasoned with the perfect autumn trio of cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla beans, Clementine Bakery’s vegan pie is a holiday smash,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “From peach to pecan, PETA celebrates all the vegan pies that make it easy to enjoy a delicious ‘ThanksVegan’ feast that leaves cows and chickens in peace.”

Not only are vegan desserts free of saturated animal fat and cholesterol, they also spare animals immense suffering: In the dairy industry, calves are torn away from their mothers shortly after birth, and in the egg industry, parts of chickens’ beaks are cut off with a hot blade when they’re just a few days old.

Custard Pie. Image Credit - Wow Phochiangrak

Custard Pie. Image Credit – Wow Phochiangrak

Other honorees include Sinfull Bakery in Houston; Mo’Pweeze Bakery in Denville, New Jersey; Sweet Hazel & Co. in Murray, Utah; and Ezra’s Enlightened Café in Indianapolis. Each eatery will receive a framed certificate from PETA, which offers a ThanksVegan guide as well as recipes for apple and pumpkin pies and much more on its website.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit or follow the group on TwitterFacebook, or Instagram.

Banner Image: Go Vegan. Image Credit – Mittmac


Brooke Rossi

Media Coordinator at PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)


  • Avatar Critical Of Your Words, not your Ideas says:

    Please, oh please, do not call it Thanksvegan or Vegangiving.

    F**k I could care less. If you cousins or their kids go vegan just more meat for me and my little monsters. I want my boys to be strong and if their cousins go vegan, its their parents choice. But really, if you want to give yourself health problems galore and malnutrition to boot, go for it. Of course, I would prefer meat over faux-meat any day. I eat my veggies and fruit every day. But if you expect me to eat beans and rice then sorry, no way, it’s not enough nutrition. I’m a 6’2″ man who lifts heavy stuff as part of my work. I need real sustenance,.

    The holiday is Thanksgiving. This is America and our holiday already has a name. Not trying to be a d**k but I really just want us to have one f****g holiday together, as one hodge-podge American family. Right and Left, gay and straight, black and white, who the f*** cares? Famly and friends and neighbors all welcome. PEACE! It’s all about the pilgrims and the Indians. Don’t you remember? Every thanksgiving, I donate a turkey over to the Indian reservation near me. I owe it to the red Man. The white man stole their land, fact.

  • Avatar D A says:

    Our vegan Thanksgiving, we’ve done it since 1997? It was alienating to go full vegan. Just a vegetarian and there’s still a lot of food choices at the family table.

    But with just plant-based options, we stayed home. The best Thanksgiving food you’ve ever had!

    Now our parents share the holiday with us, since my grandparents passed, sadly. But it’s nice to spend the holiday with them.

    We share al the food, everything is vegan, but they eat real turkey and we make tofu. My seasonings…you won’t mind that it’s not meat. Eat meat, if you want. But what I make is scrumptious, no denying that.

    I worked in an Italian butcher shop my senior year of HS. I wasn’t a butcher, I worked behind the deli counter. I learned all the cheeses and meats. Everything we sliced. A lot of the flavor is spice.

    Meat is flesh and tofu isn’t going to taste like flesh, but if you want to get the flavor of cold cuts, you really just need to get the spice blend right.

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