Sam Pirozzolo Comments On Gov. Hochul’s State Of The State Address – Hot Air, Empty Promises
STATE OF THE STATE HOT AIR AND EMPTY PROMISES: A Statement by Assemblyman Sam Pirozzolo (R, C,-Staten Island) on Gov. Hochul’s State of the State Address
Today, I had the privilege of attending my first State of the State address. I am pleased to say that at the very least, Gov. Hochul admits that there’s a problem with the existing bail reform laws she supported. Our governor recognizes that we have a problem with our economy, energy costs, outward migration, and education-just to mention a few.
Recognizing the many problems is a good first step. Addressing them with empty rhetoric, and bad policy, as we have in years past, is an entirely different matter.
It seems that an awful lot of time is spent saying that ”WE” must address the root cause of society’s problems. I submit to you that reckless government spending IS one of the root causes of our society’s problems. Year after year, legislators stand before the great people of New York and make a lot of promises, yet deliver few results without any accountability.
Whether it be high crime, inflation, or affordability, none of these problems will be adequately resolved if we fail to address the education crisis in our state.
Quality education is the key to correcting course now and to safeguarding our future. This is why I reaffirm my pledge to bring deeply needed common sense change to our government, not only for the people of Staten Island but for all New Yorkers residents.
Assemblyman Sam Pirozzolo represents the 63rd Assembly District, which encompasses parts of the North Shore, including Emerson Hill, Sunnyside, Bloomfield, Travis and Chelsea.
Banner Image: Abolish the Police sign at protest. Image Credit – Gabe Pierce
It not just spending, also there is rampant fraud.