Learn About Arturo Schomburg – Bibliophile, Activist, Advocate – How His Vision, Dedication Lead To Creation Of Schomburg Center For Research In Black Culture
I wouldn’t be writing this today were it not for Arturo Schomburg’s vision and dedication, which led to the creation of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.
Born on this day in Puerto Rico in 1874, Arturo Schomburg was a bibliophile, activist, and advocate, who made it his life’s mission to prove that people of African descent had a rich culture and history that contributed not only to the culture of the Western hemisphere, but to the world. Arturo Schomburg’s interest in African and African diasporic history led him on decades-long research trips across continents as he became one of the world’s premier collectors of Black literature, artwork, and diasporic materials.
Tomorrow is the 149th anniversary of Arturo Alfonso Schomburg’s birth. Make a contribution today, to mark Arturo Schomburg’s birthday. Your gift will honor his legacy and keep us going strong as we move further into 2023. For any gift of $50 or more, you’ll receive a limited-edition enamel pin you can wear to show your support for the Schomburg Center.
Mr. Schomburg’s collection of artifacts and his scholarship formed the foundation of the Schomburg Center, and his vision continues to provide the driving force behind our mission to preserve, share, and celebrate Black culture and history.
We have so much planned for 2023: a full year of programming, community events, and the nourishing of scholarship that would make Arturo Schomburg proud. Your support will make all of this work possible.
Your support helps us continue to preserve our archives, which have grown from Mr. Schomburg’s original collection to contain more than 11 million artifacts, books, and unique materials.
Your support allows us to continue to offer free community programming like speaker events, book signings, our Junior Scholars youth program, and courtyard literary salons.
And your support enables us to move forward with vital projects and exhibitions in 2023, like our annual Black Comic Book Festival and Literary Festival and street fair. Make your gift today—and if you make a donation of $50 or more, you’ll also receive a limited-edition enamel pin.
We named the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in honor of Arturo Schomburg and in recognition of our intention to carry on his legacy.
Mr. Schomburg was fervent in his fight to bring Black history into the present. In his honor, you can make a gift that will be shared with countless scholars and students of Black culture and support the Schomburg Center today.
Banner Image: Arturo A. Schomburg Celebration and Lecture with Dr. Abdel Kader Haidara at the Schomburg Center. Image Credit – NYPL
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