Sen Rand Paul Introduces Legislation For Congressional Transparency, To Allow Sufficient Time For Legislation To Be Read Before Consideration (This Seems Obvious)


ICYMI: Dr. Rand Paul Introduces Legislation and Senate Rule to Enact Congressional Transparency

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Recently, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reintroduced the Write the Laws Act, the One Subject at a Time Act, the Read the Bills Act, and a Senate rule to provide sufficient time for legislation to be read before being considered by the U.S. Senate.

Each individual piece of legislation would restore transparency in government and balance within the constitutional separation of powers.

  • Write the Laws Act: Prohibits Congress from delegating its legislative responsibilities to unelected bureaucrats in other branches of government.
  • Read the Bills Act: Requires the full text of a measure to be published at least seven days before a vote to ensure Members have a time to read the bill before voting on it.
  • One Subject at a Time Act: Requires that each bill or joint resolution include no more than one subject.
  • Senate Rule: Provides that the Senate has one day to consider a measure for every 20 pages of the measure.

“Too often in Congress, legislation is pushed through without hearings, amendments, or debate. I firmly believe the American people have a right to be part of the legislative process. My bills will allow citizens sufficient time to read legislation and give input to members of Congress as it considers policies that impact all Americans’ lives. I will continue to stand by my pledge to increase transparency and accessibility in the U.S. Senate,” said Dr. Paul.


You can read the Write the Laws Act HERE, the One Subject at a Time Act HERE, the Read the Bills Act HERE, and the Senate Rule HERE.

Banner Image: Capitol Building. Image Credit – Joshua Sukoff


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