Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church

Our Lady Of Good Counsel Catholic Church



Our Lady Of Good Counsel Parish

Our Lady Of Good Counsel Parish

Our Lady Of Good Counsel Parish


Phone Number: (718) 447-1503
Fax Number: (718) 447-7361
Email: [email protected]
Google listing: Google maps listing
Address: 10 Austin Pl, Staten Island, NY 10304, United States
Town/Neighborhood: Tompkinsville
Section of Island: Staten Island
Hours of operation/class times/service times:

Description: Our Lady of Good Counsel is a parish church and school founded in 1898 by the Augustinian friars. The original building, which stands today as the school, was dedicated in 1899. Our current church was dedicated in 1968 and is famous for its architecture; the design took second prize in 1964’s Liturgical Week Architectural Exhibition in St. Louis, Missouri, received an Architectural Award of Merit from The Liturgical Arts Guild of Southern New Jersey, and tied for first place in the 7th Annual Building Competition sponsored by the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce.
Main category 1: Church
Main category 2: Community Church
Main category 3: Artistic Community
Main category 4: Non-Profit
Keywords: OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL PARISH, plays, playwright, Church, community Church, artistic community, self-expression
Latitude, Longitude:
Public Transportation (Include Buses, Train Stop): S61
Closest Major Intersection: Victory Blvd and Austin pi
Floor Business is On:
Wheelchair Access:
Restroom On Site?
Parking (On-street Free, Metered, Lot):
Type of Non-Profit: 501c3 non-profit
Organization’s Mission Statement:
Our Lady of Good Counsel parish is a Roman Catholic Community of Faith founded by the Augustinian Friars in 1899.Called by God to proclaim and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our celebration of the Word and Sacraments.Guided by the life of Christ, joined in Baptism, and inspired by the Grace of the Holy Spirit, we strive to embody the presence of God in the world today through worship, outward discipleship, and service.

Link To Yelp Reviews:
Link To Facebook Page: Facebook Page
Link To Instagram Page: Instagram Page
Link to Twitter Page: Twitter Page
Number of Staff/Volunteers:
Executive Director’s Name and title (owner/manager/etc.):
Link to events page on web site, if applicable:Events calendar
Accepted payment for Admission/Donation, if applicable (Cash, Credit., PayPal, EasyGo, Bitcoin):
Year established: 1898


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