Sea View Playwright’s Theatre

Sea View Playwright’s Theatre

Sea View Playwright’s Theatre
Name: Sea View Playwright’s Theatre
Phone Number: 917-817-1067
Fax Number:
Email: [email protected]
Web Site: Sea View Playwright’s Theatre
Google listing: Google maps listing
Address: 460 Brielle Ave, Staten Island, NY 10314
Town/Neighborhood: Manor Heights
Section of Island: Mid-Island
Hours of operation/class times/service times:
Description: Sea View Playwright’s Theater was founded in 1979 to provide classic and contemporary theater for the Staten Island community. Our goal has always been to establish and maintain a local community theater which remains open to members of the acting community as well as general audiences. In our 40 years of existence the theater has continually operated from our historic chapel location. In fact we are the only Staten Island community theater operating from our own dedicated space with pre-announced yearly seasons. This fact and the fact that we have done so for so long add credence to the quality of our productions. Our staff of Board members and volunteers contributes an array of skills, most of them being theater, entertainment or educational professionals. Their professional knowledge coupled with their passion for theater lend themselves perfectly to the success of this theatre. Although there is a standard group of volunteers at SVPT auditions for all productions are open to every member of the community affording all the opportunity to be a part of a production in whatever capacity they choose. As a not for profit facility, 100% of what we receive goes back to maintaining the theater and fostering our mission.
Main category 1: Theatre
Main category 2: Community Theatre
Main category 3: Artistic Community
Main category 4: Non-Profit
Keywords: Sea View Playwright’s Theatre, plays, playwright, theatre, community theatre, artistic community, self-expression
Main category 1: Theatre
Main category 2: Community Theatre
Main category 3: Artistic Community
Main category 4: Non-Profit
Keywords: Sea View Playwright’s Theatre, plays, playwright, theatre, community theatre, artistic community, self-expression
Latitude, Longitude:
Public Transportation (Include Buses, Train Stop): S54
Closest Major Intersection: Brielle Ave and Rockland Ave
Floor Business is On:
Wheelchair Access:
Restroom On Site?
Parking (On-street Free, Metered, Lot):
Type of Non-Profit: 501c3 non-profit
Organization’s Mission Statement:
Our chapel theater provides an intimate setting for our patrons. Our distinct layout combines both a staged area with a conjoined playing area in the seating section so each production is “in the round” with the audience mere feet from the performers. The historic building also lends to the complete theater experience.
Public Transportation (Include Buses, Train Stop): S54
Closest Major Intersection: Brielle Ave and Rockland Ave
Floor Business is On:
Wheelchair Access:
Restroom On Site?
Parking (On-street Free, Metered, Lot):
Type of Non-Profit: 501c3 non-profit
Organization’s Mission Statement:
Our chapel theater provides an intimate setting for our patrons. Our distinct layout combines both a staged area with a conjoined playing area in the seating section so each production is “in the round” with the audience mere feet from the performers. The historic building also lends to the complete theater experience.
Link To Yelp Reviews:
Link To Facebook Page: Facebook Page
Link To Instagram Page: Instagram Page
Link to Twitter Page: Twitter Page
Number of Staff/Volunteers:
Executive Director’s Name and title (owner/manager/etc.):
Link to events page on web site, if applicable:Events calendar
Accepted payment for Admission/Donation, if applicable (Cash, Credit., PayPal, EasyGo, Bitcoin):
Year established: 1979
Link To Facebook Page: Facebook Page
Link To Instagram Page: Instagram Page
Link to Twitter Page: Twitter Page
Number of Staff/Volunteers:
Executive Director’s Name and title (owner/manager/etc.):
Link to events page on web site, if applicable:Events calendar
Accepted payment for Admission/Donation, if applicable (Cash, Credit., PayPal, EasyGo, Bitcoin):
Year established: 1979