Interview: “Let’s Go Brandon” Joe Biden Sculpture Created By Staten Island Artist Scott LoBaido On Sam Pirozzolo’s Lawn In Castleton Corners.


Remember The “T” That Was Torched In 2016? Same Lawn

The Voice of Staten Island is at it again. Island-born-and-raised professional visual and performance artist and Patriot Scott LoBaido created a new sculpture that went up on the lawn of Sam Pirozzolo, a contributor here at Staten Islander, best known for Scott’s giant T for Trump sculpture that was arsoned.

The piece was assembled the day after the election. It is a giant head of President Joe Biden and the words “Let’s Go Brandon” across the bottom.

By now, I think everyone knows what this means, and at least some segment of our readership definitely does, but let me explain, real quick, anyway.

It really means “F*** Joe Biden,” actually. If this is news to you, it must seem very strange. NASCAR Xfinity Kansas Lottery 300 race back in October was where this all started. A new racer called Brandon Brown won his first NASCAR race. The crowd was allegedly chanting, and reporter Kelli Stavast of the NBC Sports team, mistook the Joe Biden chant, expletive and all, and thought it was a cheer for Brandon.

Scott and Sam sat on the lawn and talked with passersby. Many drivers honked their horns, some yelled out to Scott. Scott knew many of them. Staten Island is a small world.

Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido sits next to his sculpture on Sam Pirozzolo's Lawn. Image Credit - Staten Islander

Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido sits next to his sculpture on Sam Pirozzolo’s Lawn. Image Credit – Staten Islander

Staten Islander staff writers arrived in the late afternoon while Scott was still there. Scott is usually a man of many words. Expecting a whirlwind of insight and loquacious creativity, when it was Scott’s turn to speak, he merely said, “Let’s Go Brandon.”

This says a lot.

Sam Pirozzolo was also on the scene, and spoke about how he feels about the President’s recent performance. Sam had been a candidate in the primaries for the City Council race, but the Republican voters chose other candidates.

This cheer of “Let’s Go, Brandon!” is now being frowned upon by NASCAR itself, and the company is claiming that the chant is a copyright violation. That seems a stretch, and copyright attorneys we spoke with who would prefer to remain anonymous all said they don’t have a case.

Either way, videos and other media are being banned for promoting this chant that people on the Right now use as a way to express their sentiments in a humorous manner.

Whatever you think of President Biden, you have to admit that the NBC reporter’s mix-up was epically funny. And, if you’re an American or citizen if any civilized country, you value free speech and artistic expression. I’ll even say that if you’re reading this through a VPS because in your country content like this is not allowed, I’m *certain* you value free speech and expression. You may even remember a time when you enjoyed such rights.

Let's Go Brandon Sculpture created by local Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido. Image Credit: D Alban

Let’s Go Brandon Sculpture created by local Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido. Image Credit: D Alban

So, some might say they love the artistry and the wit, but don’t agree with the message. And, that’s fine. What we should be seeking is discourse, a way to understand and relate, even when we as Islanders, and Americans, disagree. We love freedom. We love creativity. And we love humor!

If you want to read a (much) longer interview with Scott (text), click here. He’s a real artist, and a real Patriot. The media tries painting Scott as an attention seeker, but that is truly insulting to the man’s vision and artistry. Politics aside, it’s time Mr. LoBaido is recognized as the truly Important Artist, culturally, that he was and remains.

Don’t let the TV stations and newspapers tell you who Scott is. Find out for yourself.

Let's Go Brandon Sculpture created by Scott LoBaido. Image Credit - Sam Pirozzolo

Let’s Go Brandon Sculpture created by Scott LoBaido. Image Credit – Sam Pirozzolo

Let’s Go Brandon Sculpture created by local Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido. Image Credit: D Alban

Let’s Go Brandon Sculpture created by local Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido. Image Credit: D Alban

Let’s Go Brandon Sculpture created by local Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido. Image Credit: D Alban

Let’s Go Brandon Sculpture created by local Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido. Image Credit: D Alban

Let’s Go Brandon Sculpture created by local Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido. Image Credit: D Alban

Let’s Go Brandon Sculpture created by local Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido. Image Credit: D Alban

Let’s Go Brandon Sculpture created by local Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido. Image Credit: D Alban

Let’s Go Brandon Sculpture created by local Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido. Image Credit: D Alban

Let’s Go Brandon Sculpture created by local Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido. Image Credit: D Alban



This byline indicates that this article was penned by a member/members of the Staten Islander News Organization office team. Our staff writers are the backbone of our newspaper, performing all sorts of important tasks like conducting interviews, investigating leads, besides writing the news stories you see.


  • Avatar It's disrespectful, plain and simple. says:

    It’s disrespectful, plain and simple.

    • CRANK CRANK says:

      Disgusting? I bet you’re a liberal and WAP is just fine, tho…I may be old but I’m not in a coma!


        HAHAHA Go Crank! You tell ’em!

      • Avatar ♥Denise♥ says:

        Crank, I don’t get the reference. That’s an anti-Italian slur, right?

        How does that fit in? Sorry, I am dense.

        • Avatar none says:

          Denise, you’re gray roots are showing! HAHAHAHA

          It stands for Wet A** P****, a song made by the artist Cardi B.

          It was an all time hit and really just old people wouldn’t know that. This forum is lame. I think this island is lame. The average age everywhere seems to be 70! My Dad says when he was a teen, it was all just young families and kids. He had kids late.

  • Avatar Shame on you says:

    Language like this kids see it. Scott you should be ashamed.

    • CRANK CRANK says:

      Kids saw the graffiti all over the news in every city last year saying F**K THE POLICE and more. So that’s OK but this isn’t? Please.

      • Avatar Jenkies says:

        Here in today’s Post:

        ““If they think they are going back to the old ways of policing then we’re going to take to the streets again,” New York BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome said outside Borough Hall after the meeting. “There will be riots. There will be fire, and there will be bloodshed.””


        Riots? Fire? Bloodshed?

        Family-friendly fun for all!

      • Avatar TRUTH says:


        NY BLM leader vows street protests if ‘old ways’ of policing return

  • Avatar Cancal the SIer says:

    Mr. Laline,m editor of a real paper the SI Advance, called this waht it was: hate speech.

    Look for his article called What? They’d burn schools? That’s what he said . . . | From the editor in the Advance or SI Live.

    Here’s what a real journalist had to say

    “Makes little difference, neighbors. Hate-filled, violent rhetoric like this – and anyone who spews it or cheers it on in our community — is disgusting and scary in a community that is supposed to be all about family.”

    This paper is really out of control. You need to be shut down. Promoting hate should be a crime. If a school burns, I want to see the Staten Islander staff and editors arrested.

    This was a white supremacist rally which was hiding behind vaccines. Anyway, read Brian Lailine’s article, You will see it’s just another chapter in the long long line of Italian white supremacist hate that really defines Staten Island when you come down to it.

    Editor’s Note: Quotation marks added to subscriber’s post for clarity

    • Avatar Lev says:

      Mr. LaLane never mentioned Italian people, specifically. I read the editorial. You’re full of s**t.

      • Avatar Cancal the Staten Islander says:

        I did not say he said that. I didn’t use quotes bc to me it was obvious so here.

        ”Makes little difference, neighbors. Hate-filled, violent rhetoric like this – and anyone who spews it or cheers it on in our community — is disgusting and scary in a community that is supposed to be all about family.”

        _I_ am the one who said that about Italians. You should have been smart enough to know where the quote ended and my words began.

        _I_ am the one who wants Staten Islander shut down.

        Can’t you figure out that on your own? Don’t you have reasoning skills? You’re the one who is full of s**t. You know exactly what I mean and since you read the editorial you knew those were my words and not his. I caught you in a lie. You’re just sad.

        I know many fine Italian people. But I also know that some of them changed Staten Island and it was never the same. Everyone knows how intolerant they are as a group. Every race has its good and bad. But be honest and look around and listen for the vowels at the end of names. These people are not Jamaican! The vaccine is just a cover. Just like Trump. This gathered them together but they were already racist.

        • Avatar anon says:

          I understood you perfectly and I still think you’re a biased fool.

          This has nothing to do with Italian people or white supremacy.

          It is about medical freedom.

        • Avatar Laney says:

          “Everyone knows how intolerant they are as a group.”

          That’s why, as an Italian-American, second-generation born here, that I have cousins that are half Puerto Rican, Black, Italian, Norwegien, Irish, the list goes on.

          You are guilty of stereotyping. It isn’t OK just because we’re Italian.

          “But be honest and look around and listen for the vowels at the end of names.”

          Did you really write this? Don’t you nkow there are a lot of Italianj people on SI?

          I’d love for you to say that to someone’s face and not hide behind a keyboard. I hate that they allow anonymous posting because it brings out the cowards.

          • Maria LLama Maria LLama says:

            I kind of enjoy seeing the darker side of all my neighbors. I know for sure I see these people in the supermarket, at least a few, anyway, just by probability, and some of them get on here and just say all this because they know it’s not heavily moderated. It could be kids or trolls. I just don’t know. But neither do I care. I mean, when was the last time one of those commenters changed your life?

        • Avatar T. Lombardi says:

          Did you really just say this?

          I think it’s interesting how people like you just show how ridiculous they are with each new comment.

          I know, I know, you don’t have to deal with saying this to anyone in person. You hide behind a screen. I am a kid of the 90s and we were on AOL at 8. I’ve seen trolls before. Trust me.

          There is no stereotyping that is moral and good! You’re just fooling yourself. You are a racist and I find it very strange you think it’s OK. Not on Staten Island. There are good Italians and bad Italians just like every group. When do you think it is OK to say this one or that one is bad? I don’t like the way you think. I’ll tell you right now. If you are from SI, and you’re an “oldtimer” from before the bridge. Well, we Italians are here. Deal with it. Plus the Jews, and not just the reformed people! We got Orthodox, Hasidic, you name it! Sephardic! There’s a learning center! Then we have tons of Russians, Chinese, Indian, and Black and Latino. So if you want to be biased do it somewhere else pal. This s**t is real old. We don’t have time for any of this.

    • Avatar I can spell says:

      The word is CANCEL


      got it?

    • Avatar Vicki says:


      you can’t even spell! give it up!

    • Avatar T.K. says:

      SO after all the wasting of our time: Why should anyone be shut down again? They just reported on a news story. Pretty objective, in my eyes.

      I actually agree about Laline’s views on violence. That is never, ever the answer! That’s the last thing we need.

      However, how you get that the rally was about white supremacy is beyond me. And this article didn’t promote anyone. Where do you get this all? If anything, free speech and liberalism were promoted. George Carlin, a diehard lefty, would certainly agree.

      I like Joe Biden, He’s a good guy. Irish. Catholic. He’s old but that doesn’t bother me in the least. I’ve never been one to judge based on age.

      • Avatar Mike P says:

        This isn’t even the article about the rally! wth?

        This person is posting this same thing on the actual article. Word for word.

        Probably commented to the wrong article, then copied and pasted into the comment section of the article that’s the one he meant but was too lazy to check.

  • Avatar a concerned ex islander says:

    Nice going pushing this hate and degeneracy. Staten Islander bringing the SI vibe we all know and move away from right to the internet and into your home. I need a Tylenol. 🙁

    As for the ‘artist’ who made this my nine year old could have done better. All you did is blow up a picture big and stick it on cardboard. But can you actually draw or paint? I read all Scott does is paint by number. Is it true?

    All those flags are exactly alike so I don’t think it takes much talent for that. The editors don’t think he’s doing it all for attention? Very sad you all were duped. This is this guy’s thing. Getting attention. Without the flag he’d be a total nobody. Right now he’s known on SI but just read up on his history to find out what kind of person he really is. Vandalizing museums…causing a hazard to driver’s on Hylan Blvd. A lot more. Anything for a headline. One day SI may get tired of his crap but for now, it isn’t looking like it’s going to be any time soon.

    Wake up and smell the covfefe. These are all rabid trump supporters.

    • CRANK CRANK says:

      So anyone who supports Trump is “rabid” in your words? smh

      Get out and meet some people and challenge your comfort zone and grow and learn.

    • Avatar F**K JOE BIDEN says:

      Scott, don’t mind these assh***s. We appreciate you. We loved your Mother Cabrini sculptures.

      Vandalizing museums? OK. That museum had disrespectful images of the Blessed Virgin Mary. What Catholic would be okay with that? Imagine it was Mohammed? Even Muslims think Jesus was a messanger of God and they respect Mary but have different beliefs.

      I like what he did. It was Mary and s**t. Made of literal s**t.

    • Avatar Danny says:

      F**k off.

      Scott is an amazing artist. If you can’t acknowledge that, you’re lying to yourself.

    • Avatar M SANTINI says:

      You moved away so who gives a crap what you want to think

      • Avatar F.E.N. says:

        That is about the most parochial attitude I’ve ever witnessed. Someone’s ideas don’t matter bc they moved? That’s ridiculous. Everyone who lives here moved here from somewhere else. I know that the island mentality is strong. But don’t be ridiculous. Mr. Santini, that could be your neighbor who moved years ago! Be respectful on here, would you?

  • Avatar Let's Go Brandon says:

    Let’s Go Brandon
    Let’s Go Brandon
    Let’s Go Brandon
    Let’s Go Brandon
    Let’s Go Brandon
    Let’s Go Brandon
    Let’s Go Brandon
    Let’s Go Brandon

  • Avatar LETS GO BRANDON says:


  • Avatar Lets go Brandon says:

    Lets go Brandon

  • University of Southern California Professor James Moore shares his message for students who deem the flag ‘inappropriate.’ #FoxNews

    “I can’t imagine if I would. I don’t think they like the message”

  • Avatar says:

    What is the editor trying to say? That Trump is the savior and people in other countries wish they had him for a president? That’s a joke. Another big lie.

    You think cursing the president and pushing Trump is the answer? That is not free speech.

    • StatenIslander.org_Editor StatenIslander.org_Editor says:

      Our Editorial Board doesn’t often agree on much, but we all think it’s a good sign of a healthy nation when opposition to a sitting President is permitted.

      In some places on Earth, this is not allowed. Citizens mustn’t voice their dissatisfaction with their politicians and leaders.

      When Trump was president, some said F Trump.

      Perhaps all this vulgarity hints at a real hatred that is brewing between those with Progressive ideas,and those with Conservative leanings.

      That should be addressed. Dialogue is dead, sometimes even amongst living family members. We need to talk and be tolerant of one another. When did we all become so inflexible and unwilling to have a dialogue?

      In any case, whether we agree with Mr. LoBaido’s message, whether we agree with the slogan, whether we like the slogan, even…these are irrelevant factors compared to knowing that in the United States of America, a citizen can still place a sign on their lawn presenting their opposition to the current administration’s policy.

      That’s what’s important in this story.

      -Staten Islander News Organization Editors

  • Avatar But will they print it? says:

    I know who this paper is.

    Mrs. Gerstel who edited the Staten Island Register, right?

    These are ppl from that crowd. 100% guaranteed.

    Not saying anything bad, Jay is passed, G-d rest his soul,but he was a good man. Just normal, kind people.

    Anyway, yeah. Pretty much their partners from the old days.

  • […] year, Pirozzolo hosted a work by LoBaido reading “Let’s Go Brandon,” an insult to President Joe Biden, whose face […]

  • […] dernière, Pirozzolo hébergé une œuvre de LoBaido lisant « Let’s Go Brandon », une insulte au président Joe Biden, […]

  • […] year, Pirozzolo hosted a work by LoBaido reading “Let’s Go Brandon,” an insult to President Joe Biden, whose face […]

  • […] final yr hosted Lobaideau’s work that readsLet’s go Brandon“, an insult directed at President Joe Biden, […]

  • […] year, Pirozzolo hosted a work by LoBaido reading “Let’s Go Brandon,” an insult to President Joe Biden, whose face […]

  • […] year, Sam again hosted Scott’s artwork on his lawn. This time, it was a giant “Let’s Go Brandon” sign.  When Staten Islander correspondents visited Sam for an interview, there was no way to miss the […]

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