Staten Island’s Concord High School Re-Envisioned Initiative Offers All Community Residents New Education Pathways


BP Oddo, NYC Department of Education’s District 79 and 31, Concord HS, Coop Tech announce the official addition of skilled trades and culinary, high school equivalency, adult education and evening courses to act as “career ladders” for high schoolers, young adults and the community

STATEN ISLAND, NY: Borough President James S. Oddo joined Concord High School Principal, Department of Education leaders and other school staff today to formally kick off the Concord Re-Envisioned initiative which will offer all residents of the community additional pathways to continue their education.

Borough Hall began the initiative in 2020, with Concord Principal Mike Sobel, District 31, Executive Director, Chris Anzalone, and District 79 superintendencies. Additionally, key components have been the partnering with Principal Cory Prober, of Co-op Tech, and DOE School Facilities. The shutdown of the schools amidst the pandemic had taken some toll on the timeline, but the implementation had been brisk and well-paced.

Cosmetology Programs Prepare Students For Makeup Application, Facials and Hair Styling. Image Credit - 16198233

Cosmetology Programs Prepare Students For Makeup Application, Facials and Hair Styling. Image Credit – 16198233

“The addition of these programs at Concord High School will catapult the opportunities offered to young adults who wish to continue, and complete their education in a variety of skilled trades. I am so proud to be a part of these changes which will result in real opportunities for Staten Island residents,” said Borough President Oddo. “I want to thank Principal Sobel and his team at Concord, the Co-Op Tech, School Facilities and the DOE’s administration for rolling up their sleeves to get this done. I also want to thank the dynamic education duo at Borough Hall, Rose Kerr and Laura Timoney, for their unceasing dedication in ensuring a bright future in education for our young Staten Islanders.”

The components of the Re-Envisioned Initiative are Culinary, Cosmetology/Natural Hair Design/Barbering, Graphic Arts, and Carpentry. Additionally, also underway are the Young Adult Borough Center (YABC) on the North Shore and the New York Center for Interpersonal Development (NYCID) providing advocacy, college and career planning, as well as paid internships to develop skills and competencies needed to be successful in high school, postsecondary environments and to thrive in the workplace.​ Adult Education also began in October, encompassing high school equivalency, college readiness, and career opportunities.

The School of Cooperative Technical Education (Coop Tech) is a citywide program that offers students hands-on training in a variety of in-demand, cutting-edge trade areas. Coop Tech serves approximately 1,500 students, 17 to 21 years of age and who represent a wide variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, or as post-graduates who have already obtained a high school diploma or high school equivalency.

Carpenter Using A Dreschler Tool. Image Credit - Fachdozent

Carpenter Using A Drechsler Tool. Image Credit – Fachdozent

“Thank you to the cooperation and support of Borough President James S. Oddo, we are so excited to be able to build on the already fantastic educational and career opportunities for the young men and women of Staten Island,” said Concord HS Principal Michael Sobel. “These new opportunities will provide residents the chance to earn a high school diploma, become college and career ready, and learn cutting edge job readiness trade skills needed to be successful members of their community.”

Banner Image: Barber Shop. Image Credit – Mostafa Meraji


James Oddo

James Steven Oddo is an American attorney and politician serving as the Borough President of Staten Island. Oddo had previously served as a member of the New York City Council.

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