CM Kamillah Hanks To Hold Webinar About Discretionary Funding In NYC Tonight – Helpful To Community-Based Non-Profit Managers, Others Involved In Requesting Funding For Their Community


I wanted to send a reminder that my office will be hosting a Discretionary Funding Info Session!

Our community based organizations are a driving force in our district, borough, and city, providing invaluable resources and services that keep us going. With the Fiscal Year 2024 budget season coming up at the start of the new year, our office wanted to ensure that every organization that is interested in applying for discretionary funding has the information, resources, and capacity to do so.

Event flyer. Image Credit - CM Hanks

Event flyer. Image Credit – CM Hanks

This webinar will be an opportunity for community-based not for profit organizations to learn all about the City’s discretionary funding process and get their questions answered ahead of the FY24 funding application that will go live in January. Our info session will be happening virtually on December 14th, beginning at 6:00PM.

Please also share this information and the flyer below with your community networks — we want as many people as possible to learn this important information and get prepared!

To RSVP for this event and receive the Zoom link, please fill out the form at:

Banner Image: Event flyer header. Image Credit – CM Kamillah Hanks


Councilmember Kamillah Hanks

Kamillah M. Hanks is a native Staten Islander and proud mother of four who has been a leader and advocate for smart growth and positive economic development in the North Shore of Staten Island for nearly two decades. Kamillah studied marketing and finance at the College of Staten Island, and has over 20 years of experience in both public and private sectors

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