Rep. Malliotakis Meets With Dalai Lama In India, Presents Gifts From Staten Island’s Tibetan Museum, Discusses Resolve Tibet Act
Malliotakis Meets Dalai Lama As Part of Bipartisan Congressional Delegation In India
Presented gifts from Staten Island’s Tibetan Museum His Holiness Visited in 1991
(WASHINGTON, DC) – This week while traveling on a bipartisan congressional delegation, Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis met with the Dalai Lama at his residence in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India. During the visit, Malliotakis presented His Holiness with gifts including a framed photograph from The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art on Staten Island that he previously visited in 1991, and an assortment of teas from the museum’s label.
“It was an incredible honor to meet with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama to discuss the Resolve Tibet Act recently passed by both the House and Senate and awaiting President Biden’s signature that would enact an official change in U.S. policy toward Tibet, promote human rights, self-determination, and democracy for the Tibetan people and combat Communist China’s misinformation about Tibet’s history,” Malliotakis said.
“New York City is home to the largest Tibetan population outside of Asia and I’ve been proud to work with the Tibetan community and a bipartisan group in speaking out against China’s human rights abuses and illegal occupation of Tibet, and it’s my hope that our advocacy brings the Tibetan people one step closer to being able to peacefully return to their homeland and determine their future.”
While in India, the delegation also met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, and the US-India Business Council to discuss issues of national security, trade, and increasing the strategic partnership between the two nations to reduce both nations’ supply chain dependency on Communist China.
Transcript of Rep. Malliotakis’ speech to the people of Tibet, courtesy of Alphabet:
My name is Nicole Malliotakis. I am very proud to bring greetings from my district of Staten Island and Brooklyn in New York City. It is home to the Jacques Marchais Tibetan Museum, which His Holiness visited in 1995, and many of the members that you have representing in government have also visited it. But when His Holiness came in 1995 he said the words that it was the closest to Tibet that you could find in the west, and I’m very proud to represent that beautiful cultural gem when we were honored with the meeting earlier today with His Holiness
I shared with him that when he fled Tibet in 1959, my mother also fled to escape communism in 1959, but in her homeland of Cuba, and so we share many similarities, and I have a lot of compassion and empathy for the people who are here today who want to return to their homelands, who want to visit and have their children and grandchild who have never visited Tibet the opportunity to do so.
We are all working together together with you to see that day come, and we believe that everyone in the world, including the 7 million people in Tibet right now, deserve to live where they have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As we so proudly say in the United States of America: Thank you all for having us with you today and Long Live a free Tibet
Banner Image: Rep. Malliotakis meets with the His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Image Credit – Rep. Malliotakis
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