Staten Island Deli Owner Helps Local High School Students Achieve Good Grades With Heartwarming Reward Approach
BP Fossella to Celebrate SI Deli Owner and Student for Heartwarming Approach to Rewarding Good Grades
Editor’s note: BP Fossella has previously honored another individual who serenaded a student with special needs on the train. The BP also honored exceptional readers at a ceremony last year for the “Readers are Leaders” award.
Staten Island, NY – Borough President Vito Fossella applauded and honored an I.S.51 student and a Staten Island deli owner who took a unique approach to promoting academic achievement and performance. This took place at a press conference at Zack’s Finest Deli & Grocery on Tuesday, July 16th at 4:00 PM.
This press conference follows a Good Morning America story highlighting Wail Alselwi, the manager of Zack’s Finest Deli & Grocery in Port Richmond, who developed a system with Zameir Davis, an I.S. 51 student and frequenter of the deli. Zameir was motivated to rise from merit roll to honor roll, and at each step of the journey to high academic achievement, Mr. Alselwi rewarded him with Zameir’s choice of goods from the store.
Since then, Mr. Alselwi has extended this system of encouraging good work ethics to other students who push themselves to achieve in school.
At the press conference, BP Fossella celebrated Mr. Alselwi for his role in promoting academic success, and Zameir for his dedication to academic achievement.
Banner Image: BP Fossella with deli owner and student. Image Credit – BP Fossella
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