Limitless Monday: Are You A Risk Taker Or Referee?


Limitless Monday – Are you a risk taker or a referee?

This article is dedicated to everyone who took exams this year and faced unexpected outcomes. Don’t despair, your future glory is still within reach

Exams are important as a measure of whether we are proficient in a given subject. However, contrary to popular belief, they are definitely not a measure of future success.

You only have to look at the example of the many college dropouts who went on to massive success: Gates, Zuckerberg, Jobs, Kalanick (Uber), Branson, to see that academic success does not determine life success.

Passing exams provides the exam taker with a safe option, a cushion. Most of us need that to allow some of us to sleep more soundly at night.

Academics may be able to hold an intelligent conversation while lawyers are maestros at constructing a persuasive argument and making word salads sound intelligent, but it’s all fluff, there is no substance behind it.

What do I mean by that? Simple. Would you prefer to be a risk taker who wakes excited by the next opportunity, ready for any unexpected sidewinder, or someone who leads a predictable life where the only risk they take is what attire to select from their wardrobe in the morning? There is nothing wrong with the latter approach. It’s just that it’s not for me, and if you want to leave a legacy and lead an exciting life, that approach is probably not your best one. When the death bed test comes it will be the risk taker who is satisfied they left nothing on the table not the lawyer, the accountant, the corporate drone, or the other referees of life.

I am not saying that a basic education is not important. It is. However many of us develop discipline and a joy for learning later in life. The key is finding something you can get excited about. As long as you have energy and are ready to dive relentlessly into an opportunity when you see it then it won’t matter whether you passed a bunch of exams or went to college.

Legacies are built on creation not on subservience. My message in this article is to focus on finding your passion in life. While you look for this, gain a basic education that will help you when you find your passion. If you have the choice of finding your passion or chasing a math exam, always follow your passion. An academic may sound intelligent when spouting about the history of Russian architecture or world economics, but when the sh*t hits the fan he will be hiding under his bed as you rush towards the action.

Decide early: are you a risk taker or a referee? Limitless Monday is all about risk takers not referees. It’s where the magic happens. Today, create some of your own magic!

Happy Monday!

Banner Image: Hockey game. Image Credit – YIFEI CHEN



Harry Maximillian

Harry is an author, coach, entrepreneur, comedian and a convicted felon. Harry was sent to prison for a financial crime where he spent five long years. Prison allowed Harry to realize the error of his ways. He decided to use his time productively and mobilize his extraordinary determination, dedication, drive, motivation and desire to focus on writing and the art of self-improvement. Before Harry’s enforced vacation he was one of the most prolific deal makers in the City of London.

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