End Of Season Deliveries, Schedule, Items Available This Week, Special Thanksgiving Pickup: Staten Island Community Supported Agriculture


End Of Season Deliveries, Schedule, Items Available This Week, Special Thanksgiving Pickup: Staten Island Community Supported Agriculture

Editor’s note: Staten Islanders may remember SI CSA from our previous articles about them.  Members enjoy fresh in-season produce from the spring through the fall. There are different offerings available each week, and everything is fresh and local.  This is a great option for those looking to use sustainable food sources instead of grocery stores and big box retailers for their fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s an excellent way to support small, local farmers as well. 

The Nov. 7 Delivery


Hey Folks,

It’s November! Can you believe it? Certainly not by the balmy temperatures, perhaps by the fact that it is dark at 6 PM. Still no rain and not much in sight. Dustbowl days continue…. Nevertheless, we have a fabulous share for you this week. This may sound a bit immodest, but I think that you will agree. We are working hard for you!

The share will be: spinach, choice of arugula or tatsoi, baby bok choi, lettuce, garlic, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet potatoes, rutabaga, Honeynut squash, and choice of an herb (cilantro or dill). Premium shares will also include radishes and sunchokes–aka Jerusalem artichokes. No fruit this week–the final fruit share will be next week.

Farmer John



Circle Brook Farm End of Season “Stock-Up”

We will be offering one additional share to be delivered during the week of November 25th (Thanksgiving week). This will be a “stock up” share and will include various vegetables that store well, so that you will be able to enjoy produce from the farm well into the winter months, as well as provide veggies for your Thanksgiving feast. The total weight of this share will be about 60 lbs.

Winter squash will make up about a quarter of the share–acorn, butternut, sweet dumpling, and kabocha. The share will include an assortment of root vegetables such as carrots, rutabaga, beets, parsnips, turnips, daikon, and radishes, which will comprise about 12 lbs. of the share.

There will be about 15 lbs. of potatoes and onions in the share. The potatoes will include sweet potatoes, fingerlings, and an assortment of other varieties of potatoes. There will also be shallots, leeks, garlic, cabbage, Brussel’s sprouts, and greens such as arugula, kale, and spinach. We will also include broccoli and/or cauliflower if available. The cost of the stock-up share will be $100, which is an excellent value, equivalent to the wholesale price for the produce included.

The potatoes, onions, shallots, garlic, and squash can be stored in a cool dry place such as an attached garage or enclosed porch, where they will not freeze. The root vegetables, leeks, greens, and cabbage are best stored in your refrigerator. I know that this final share will not work for everyone, but I hope that many of you will be able to participate. Doing so will help us to make use of the produce that we have in storage, use what remains in the fields, and finish the season with enough money in the bank to pay the bills during the winter months.

For the winter share, click here. For payment information, go to Payment Details.

Farmer John



SICO: Jessica Prahl

Workers: Savage-Dunn

Late Pickups

If an emergency keeps you from picking up your share on Thursday night, you can ask the SICO (see above) to leave it at the shed if you can get there later in the evening (if you leave it overnight, the raccoons will take it) or in the refrigerator upstairs in the Parish Hall for a Friday pickup.

Please don’t wait till the last minute to call the SICO.

If you don’t pick up on Friday, the share will be donated to the church, no exceptions.


Check the Schedule

The current schedule is available on the website. Add your dates to your calendar, please.

Banner Image: Farm produce. Image Credit – Megan Thomas


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