Alice Austen House Announces Finalists For Ecologies: The 3rd Triennial Of Staten Island Photography


Announcing the Finalists for Ecologies: The 3rd Triennial

Ecologies #3: The Third Triennial of Staten Island Photography

The Alice Austen House is proud to announce the selected photographers for Ecologies #3—the third triennial of Staten Island photography. This year, we asked participants to submit work on the theme of ecology—the study of the relationships between living things and their changing environments. Looking through the lens of Staten Island residents and outsiders documenting the borough, this juried exhibition will explore contemporary themes and narratives that begin to reveal our evolving responses to the rapidly changing social and natural environment in this complex borough. The judges were faced with a number of outstanding submissions, and with careful deliberation, dedication, and passionate discussion, we are proud to present the chosen artists to be exhibited in the contemporary galleries of the Alice Austen House starting March 4th:

Photos, from left: Gerard Franciosa; Olga Ginzburg; Michael Dalton

Photos, from left: Gerard Franciosa; Olga Ginzburg; Michael Dalton

Michael Dalton
Dillon DeWaters
Jade Doskow
Gerard Franciosa
Jessica Gianna
Olga Ginzburg
Christine Hackett
Samuel Partal
Paul Moakley, journalist, photographer, longtime caretaker of AAH; Victoria Munro, Executive Director, AAH;

Megan Beck
, Curator, Noble Maritime Museum; Jessica Dimson, Deputy Director of Photography, The New York Times Magazine; Justine Kurland, artist

Ecologies #3: The Alice Austen Triennial of Photography is supported by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, Richmond County Savings Foundation, and public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
Banner Image: Jessica Gianna, One of the Last Rolls. Image Credit – Alice Austen House 


Alice Austen House

The Alice Austen House is a national landmark located in Staten Island, and is operated by the Friends of Alice Austen House, and owned by the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation. The museum is open to the public, where the photographs of Alice Austen are on display, and there are also group tours and special events. From their website: “The Alice Austen House fosters creative expression, explores personal identity, and educates and inspires the public through the interpretation of the photographs, life and historic home of pioneering American photographer, Alice Austen (1866-1952).”

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