Migrant Crisis: 4th St John Villa Protest On Staten Island Keeps Community Pressure On NYC Mayor To Close Operating Migrant Shelter At This Location
View our complete coverage and commentary on this issue at our previous article here.

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick

Protest at St. John Villa on Staten Island. Image Credit – Sean Fitzpatrick
Banner Image: Video Cover. Image Credit – Staten Islander News and Sean Fitzpatrick
Yooooooooooo kidddddddddddddddddd
Scott is a true gentleman. Bless the man!
I know peeps from outside Shaolin might not get it, what with the F words and all how I be saying all that.
My younger cousin from another state was visiting and heard a religious woman we know who had come over for cake and coffee steady cursing up a storm and then laugh like a crazy hyena. Then the lady called her. (I don’t want to say our real names) and reached in a bag and pulled out a box with a big ribbon. I mean, anyone would be happy…her birthday was only the day before.
The poor girl thought she was meeting a living witch! hahaha She straight ran out of the house and we found her in the backyard and she wouldn’t come back in until the lady left. We were like “But she brought you a gift for your birthday” which was true, she had.. The girl wouldn’t even open it. Finally we did for Christmas. It was a jam set of five little samplers of jam. We ate it. *shrugs*
Yeah, we talk like that out here. *sigh* It’s the same in Brooklyn. If you’re not from here you definitely won’t get it. It’s just how we talk. We’re not cursing anyone literally. Like, as in, cursing your enemies, which is maybe even ok sometimes b/c defending the good is ok? OK, when your enemies are certified bad news. You ask the Creator for help, no? But you have to be sure you’re ot the bad news cursing the good. Probably best to stay away from curses like that. It’s ******* bad news. See? That’s just how we ******* talk. If you’re kids aint heard it yet, they will. If you judge us, it;s your right. But really, it isn’t. Go ahead and judge anyway. Im not judhing you back. haha
Anyway, point is
Curtis Sliwa should run. I hope if he gets elected he doesn’t go 180 degrees the other way and make the place unfriendly to tourists and NYC residents alike. I hope if he wins he doesn’t go overboard and be like Giuliani. Giuliani wasn’t a god, you know.
Sliwa can do way better even. The truth is, Curtis Sliwa saw NYC from the ground, while Giuliani was a Federal attorney. Different view of life entirely., Giuliani locked up the neighborhood kids for hanging out in the street in front of their own house. They went so overboard it’s not funny. We don’t want to live like that, either.
I like how the Dems keep the parks open later. I am not a baby. I am a grown man and my dog can defend himself. And the weed fiasco. Wow. That is a bad situation to inherit. Read the other article, A mayor would really have a time fixing that mess. The fact is, there is no answer. And heroin, please get it off the streets. It’s the elephant in the room. Especially on SI.
I love the title-screen graffiti art lettering and the clipped photo behind it.
I think this image should win an award. The graphics artist and the photographer both.
SHIP,, it’s don’t give up the SHIP not plural
As in we’re all in this together, fellow citizen.
If **** gets bad, it will get bad for all of us.
Not tryna make u look like u made an l, just need the idea to get out right.
Curtis Sliwa is a hero to me. Not joking. I first heard about him when I was a kid. He was legendary even then.
I don’t agree 100% with his politics, but that is fine. I see that even if I were to disagree 100%, he’d still worth listening to because he speaks honestly and without BSing..
In reality, we probably have many of the same positions on a lot of topics. More in agreement than disagreement, in fact. Anyway.
The Guardian Angels did a lot for NYC. I know this article is about the migrant crisis and not the Guardian Angels, but they did a lot for us. When I was going to the city in the early 90s for school, they were on the subway trains. It was a rough time. People got robbed all the time.
The Guardian Angels kept order, but by being real and not afraid. I never saw any friction, but I guess that is the point. They were always friendly and treated everyone like people, even the homeless. But they were hard and it showed.
So you think the homeless crisis is ending? What about when the tons of migrants are sent out into NYC without aid and then have to rely on the existing social safety nets?
We’ll go bankrupt! And, the jobs. They’re just not there. This was cruel to do to these people. None of it makes sense.
It’s good charities are stepping up. The government can’t afford this. I am not political, so I feel like everyone got stuck, from President Biden on down. They tried to be helpful to migrants but their solutions are failing us all.
The Guardian Angels also came out to Staten Island in 1987 when a literal serial killer kidnapped and murdered a local girl with Down’s Syndrome. They helped search for her and clues about the murderer for weeks.
Curtis Sliwa is behind all this help to the NYC communities over the years. All the good the Guardian Angels brought NYC. All from the efforts Curtis put in place and got going. Probably way more than I could guess.
I don’t like that everything is so politicized. Back in the day, all my neighbors loved him.. But back then it wasn’t so divided between right and left. so now I’m sure some don’t. I hate that politics gets in front of us. If we can’t get the left and right to get to some understanding, what can we end up with here?
What’s good, Mr. Sliwa…don’t over exert you self. Get rest some time and eat well. We remember you. You is not the racist in the room. I will not be fooled.
Great photojournalism from those photographers
thanks to you all for your work
this is what it is about
Staten Islander – Don’t change and become like the others
Where is the help for our own homeless including homeless veterans?
Republican Governor of Texas is a treasonous piece of living crap. He is destroying the US to prove a point.
I am a Conservative on Staten Island. What in the **** did I do to have to pay for this? Lying sack of ****. To prove your point, you’re turning us into a has-been nation? Like the end of Rome?
The cities largely on the coasts are Democrat. So to prove a point he’ll sink the entire US? This guy is a ****** mole. Get him the **** out. Vote him out. Special vote. NOW!