Missing Pets In US Spike In Summer: Vacations, Routine Changes, Open Windows Possible Culprits – What You Can Do
US Missing Pets Spike by 49% in Summer
July is National Lost Pet Prevention Month. Data analysis by PetRadar has revealed a 49% increase of missing pets reported in the US during the summer months compared to winter.
Editor’s note: BP Fossella recently created a new animal education workshop for 4th graders after a fourth grader who lost his life trying to save his pets from a fire. Pets also require additional care when there is a heat wave, such as this week. The same rules for humans apply to them: stay inside, drink plenty of water, and visit a cooling center (that accepts pets) to cool off if you have no A/C. Only Petco locations are currently listed as cooling centers that allow pets to accompany their human companions. Dogs and cats also have different allergies and sensitivities than humans, which some people may not be aware of.
- Get your pet microchipped
- Ensure they wear a collar with an ID tag
- Opt for a GPS tracker
- Use a familiar friend or family member for pet sitting
- Keep your pet in a secure area when doors and windows are open
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