Using Power Of Habits, Plus Fun, Discipline To Get Fit, Improve Your Life In NYC
I have accumulated quite a bit of wisdom in my almost twenty years in the fitness industry; working with many clients from many backgrounds, I learned how important it is to HAVE FUN with one’s fitness journey in order to truly garner the desired results. It’s so daunting to consider working-out to be daunting! It’s melodic when things flow smoothly and when we learn how to flow with the currents.
Take a look at the really, really fit people that frequent the gym—they don’t look miserable, right?! One of the fundamental keys to fitness success is to enjoy the ride. My Father always tells me, “Son, enjoy what you do or don’t do it!” I used to loathe going to the gym when I was an overweight adolescent; which proved to set me back quite a bit in life. Over time my mindset switched from “ugh, I need to do this” towards “gee, I GET to do this!” And it has been smooth sailing for me, at least when it comes to my physical and mental wellbeing.
I know firsthand how difficult it is to instantly assimilate the “I GET to” mentality into oneself. We’re all creatures of habit; habits develop over consistent patterns within our day-to-day lives. Everything that we do is a habit-waiting-to-happen; from thoughts to words to actions to disciplines to faux pas to failures to accomplishments—everything is a variable within a pattern–which develops into the habits that define us! Consistency is everything! It is almost impossible for a chronically overweight, unmotivated and undisciplined individual to fall in love with the gym after their first rendezvous with the fitness realm. So, this is where it is of utmost importance to trick the ego into seeing what we’re doing as being “FUN.”
Over time, with proper regimentation: we can find the best-of-both-worlds approach to fitness; that is—having fun and getting perpetually fitter in the process!
Here are five of such examples that one can partake in within NYC or their respective city.
(1) The Park:
As we all know—parks are good for you! Whether it is that you find solace in jogging around the tracks or embracing jovial camaraderie whilst playing softball—parks are good for you. You get Sun, fresh air, and excitement in the park! Even if all that you’re doing is walking in a park—you’re still moving; walking in the park begins to subtly and systematically program positive fitness habits into your day-to-day life.
(2) The Beach:
Is there any better workout than swimming in the Ocean and frolicking on the beach!? How FUN is it going to the beach; that’s the keyword here…FUN! My body upgrades (while I have FUN) every time it is that I go to the beach; my skin gets more tan and stronger while the saltwater detoxifies my pores; due to the natural resistance, my endurance improves from running/walking on the sand and swimming and jumping in the water; my lungs strengthen and heal from absorbing the therapeutic saltwater air; the soles of my feet get warmed by the sand, giving me a natural reflexology massage. Yup, there’s a reason why every Martial Arts Master reveres the Ocean and Beach!
(3) Hiking:
I was blessed to spend my childhood summers in the Catskills. Even as a lazy pudgy mischievous child—I would never say “no” to hiking for a few hours—surrounded by an amazing forest panorama. It’s no secret that hiking is good for the mind, body and Soul; hiking gives your mind a break from the crazy 9-5 static, as well as a tone-up for your legs and core. I mean, think about it…hiking is like having an elliptical, Stairmaster and treadmill all-in-one. Feeling like you need a spark to begin a better health and wellness routine? Go hiking! What’s the worst thing that can happen…Sasquatch steals your s’mores and laughs at your lululemons?!
(4) Play a Wall Sport:
Anyone that’s from NYC knows how delightful (and healthy) it is to play a few games of handball or racquetball! I mean, I am a seasoned fitness professional and every time that I play a few games of handball—I feel it the next day! The day after handball my body feels like it just did a three-hour high-intensity boot camp! Handball/racquetball is an amazing cardio and stamina-building resource; also, it’s super duper enjoyable! From my days of playing handball between classes on the campus of the College of Staten Island (CSI) to me competing in competitive doubles on the legendary West 5th courts of Southern Brooklyn—handball has always been one of my go-to fun-in-the-Sun power all-body workouts. Wall sports are simultaneously chaotic and Zen; those of us who play them know how important they are in order to take some stress away from our minds while also toning our entire body.
(5) Biking:
Biking is beautiful, fun and exciting and really healthy for you! We’re blessed to live in one of the greatest cities on the planet—we have INCREDIBLE views of the metropolitan skyline and majestic bridges—why not utilize them while building and pumping our glutes, cores and legs on a bike?! Biking is a great way to bud one’s blooming love for fitness. Thinking about finally signing up for a gym AND going to it consistently, but, are not quite ready? Try biking! Once you feel how amazing it feels to be on the fit train to your ideal body—you’ll naturally switch from “I have to” to “I GET to.”
Keep on keepin’ on, my friends!
Banner Image: Spanish Beach Handball Tour. Image Credit – Fernando Gallego
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