Helpful Tips For Summer Fun, Healthy Living – Sport & Fitness Spotlight Returns Next Week


Hello readers,

We’ll return with our Spotlight Series next week with an insightful interview with one of our local superhero nurses and all-around wonderful human beings, Sigrid. In the meantime, I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer.

For this week, I’d like to share some tips on staying as healthy as possible for the rest of the summer season, and how to begin to upgrade and prepare our internal systems for the incoming unpredictable fall and winter months.

First thing that I wholeheartedly recommend is to spend time outside as much (but as safely) as possible! Always wear proper amounts of sunscreen, but, please make sure that you use the healthy/organic sunscreens: which still protect your skin without introducing a plethora of awful chemicals into your bodies! Avoid anything with oxybenzone, octinoxate, homosalate, octocrylene, PABA, benzene, avobenzone, parabens, and retinyl palmitate—all of the aforementioned are confirmed to be carcinogenic and/or endocrine system disruptors! Think about it—your skin is a porous organ—when you put something on it and then go microwave in 90+ degree direct sunlight—opening up your pores more and absorbing x, y, and z into your bodies—you don’t want it to be anything bad, right?! You always want to be protected AND be safe while protecting yourself; this sounds paradoxical, but sadly a lot of the things out there designed to keep us safe also can harm us very much. [All Good, Babo Botanicals, Badger, and Goddess Garden have sunscreens that fit these qualifications- Editor]

I also recommend speaking with your primary care physician and any licensed nutritionists that you trust to set-up a proper vitamin and mineral regimen for yourself. I, like many, have fallen prey to seasonal depression in the past; since I began taking magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D supplements, and getting as much healthy Sunlight as possible—my seasonal depression has been a thing of the past!

Regarding “light”: it is also of paramount importance to avoid that dastardly “blue light” we get doused with from our phones, screens, and tablets! So many of us are negatively affecting our circadian rhythms by “doom scrolling” or watching cat videos until the late hours of the night—causing us to sleep less—causing us to deteriorate our immune systems and increase negative stress hormones! It’s all connected!

As always, I wish everyone reading these words health and happiness! I’ll see you all again next week.

Your friendly neighborhood trainer,

Andre Zemnovitsch

Banner Image: Sunbathing. Image Credit – Asso Myron


Andre Zemnovitsch

I have been a Certified Personal Trainer for almost 20 years. Training for some of the top boutique gyms in NYC and the Catskills, I have been honored to assist well over a thousand clients evolve not only their bodies but their minds to higher levels. I have dedicated my life to finding the most effective fitness techniques, herbs/plant medicines, exercise regimens, Martial Disciplines, scientific approaches and ancient wisdoms from the four corners of this wonderful World—to help myself and my fellow man live longer and better. I am the founder of High∞Chi Fitness—a soon-to-open revolutionary gym—where a medley of fitness Masters from around the globe will come together to work in harmony, collaboratively taking clients to their apex fitness levels. High∞Chi Fitness isn’t just a gym; it’s a way of life to assist the client to ride the trajectory of perpetual fitness evolution! Throughout my fitness journey: I have been blessed to learn from elite Martial Artists, esteemed Acupuncturists, Yoga Masters, Pilates pioneers, Zen Masters, and even real-deal Amazonian Shaman and Mystics. I have designed and instructed original and revolutionary fitness classes for some of the most illustrious centers and institutions on the East Coast—from the peaks of the Poconos to the Hamlets of the Hamptons. My successful classes place emphasis on Qigong breathing with Zen Visualization Exercises, alongside "Dynamic Meditations" juxtaposed with static techniques. I hybridize Ancient Eastern Techniques with the most up-to-date contemporary Westernized approaches: for total health and well-being and mind-body-connection. I have been fusing into my training regiments: the latest scientifically-backed advancements in fitness with a thousand years' worth of Martial Disciplines. I believe in a "best-of-all-worlds" approach to health and exercise, a best of East-meets-West, if you will. Via my training: I incorporate dexterity (hand-eye-coordination) alongside footwork, strength and conditioning, postural alignment strategies and physical therapy, breath∞work, mind-calming/elucidation strategies, visualization-manifestation methods, a variety of Martial Arts techniques, and a cornucopia of other important facets of mind-body enhancement. With all the aforementioned, I have found that this is the preferred way to follow THE WAY to optimized health and clarity of mind. My life is devoted to making your life better in every way! If you are interested in training, please send me a message via my email [email protected] or call me at 347.777.2584.

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